Nature Calls

Sometimes nature calls to our spirits so powerfully that we need to go where she leads us. We were sitting happily on our porch, a favorite evening spot, when something made me long for the view of our local pond in “the golden hour,” even though we had already been for a walk there earlier. I just *needed* to go there. So my very happy dog and I went back over. Just as I was thinking I was disappointed to only see 2 geese in the grass, part of the flock, maybe 7-9 of them, came flying over as if on cue, circled around the pond and field like an airplane coming into BWI, and gently landed in the pond, so gracefully. And as if that weren’t enough, as we were starting down the path toward home, the kids and coach practicing soccer on the field all stopped and stood still—because a beautiful, young, male deer had emerged from the trees, took in the view for a while, and I guess one of the kids moved, because the deer turned and ran ever-so-gracefully along the perimeter of the field, and eventually disappeared back into the woods. What beauty! Thank you, Mother Nature, for inviting me and my pup to your spectacular evening performance!